REMOVE WAX FROM CARPET. Netflix, a great glass of red wine, and some candles are the perfect ingredients for a pleasant relaxing evening now that winter has arrived in full force. Given that spilled red wine is one of the most common causes of carpet discoloration, many individuals make it a point to exercise extreme caution whenever they are around the beverage. Candle wax, on the other hand, is something that is frequently disregarded. You won’t realize how difficult it is to remove candle wax from your carpet until you’ve accidentally spilled some on your carpet.

We have put up a straightforward do-it-yourself tutorial for removing spilled candle wax... From carpet in honor of those who have had their peaceful evening of watching movies and burning fragrant candles. Rudely interrupted by the wax from a candle making its way to the carpet.

Getting Spilled Wax Out of Carpets and Rugs

Try to bring everything down to a more manageable temperature

If you’ve just gotten done spilling wax on your carpet. The first thing you should do is make an effort to freeze the wax so that it won’t spread. Bring down the temperature as much as you can by placing a bag of ice or even a packet of frozen peas. On the surface.

Make an effort to remove the wax by scraping it off. REMOVE WAX FROM CARPET

After the wax has completely hardened, it is time to make an attempt to cut it away with the knife. When carrying out this task, please use extreme caution. So that you do not injure yourself or do any damage to your carpets. In the event that you are unable to remove it completely. There is no need for concern because step 3 will address this issue.

It’s high time to turn up the temperature

While covering the wax that has been spilled, carefully pass a warm iron over a high-quality paper towel. Or cloth towel and then go over the material with the iron. The remaining portion of the wax needs to be absorbed by the towel or cloth before moving on. Be careful as you are doing this. And you should also try to move the material about with the iron a little bit.

Eliminate the stains from the surface. REMOVE WAX FROM CARPET

To remove any excess residue, carefully go over the carpet with a damp cloth and rub in a circular motion. In the event that this does not work, you can try performing the steps described above… Once more before smoothing out the surface with a vacuum cleaner.


It’s possible that you got a lot of wax on your carpet. And the measures that were listed above aren’t doing the trick. If this describes you, then there is no shame in seeking assistance… From trained experts to see the project through to completion. At James the Carpet Cleaner of Scottsdale, our area of expertise is the removal of stains from carpets in a thorough and methodical manner. In order to remove any wax that may have been spilled on your carpets. The members of our cleaning crew will utilize highly specialized cleaning equipment.

Please give us a call at OURNUMBER if you would like a price estimate today or to schedule a cleaning.

Removing wax from carpets